Interview with Professor Françoys Gagné


  • Tania Vicente Viana Author
  • Cristina Maria Carvalho Delou Author


Professor Françoys Gagné is a native French-speaking, born in Montreal, Canada. He was professor of Psychology at Université du Québec à Montréal. The National Association for Gifted Children recognizes his Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent – DMGT – as one of the most important theoretical conceptions of talent and giftedness. Even though he has been retired from his professorship since 2001, professor Françoys Gagné keeps up writing international publishing. His last book, published in 2020, is called “Differentiating Giftedness from Talent: The DMGT Perspective on Talent Development”. It explores the origins, development and applications of his model. Among the many awards he received, the last ones were: the International Award for Research, in 2021, from the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, and the Lifetime Achievement Award, in 2022, from the MENSA Education and Research Foundation. In Brazil, his ideas have been applied in Cedet, that stands for –  Centro para Desenvolvimento do Potencial e Talento – a center founded by professor Zenita Güenther in 1993, in the city of Lavras, in Minas Gerais.





Entrevista (Reservado ao ConBraSD)

How to Cite

Interview with Professor Françoys Gagné. (2024). Brazilian Journal of High Abilities Giftedness, 5(2).